Adaption of the slide overlay device and the
macro dual system
With the Leica DM IRB inverted microscope, the
slide overlay and macro devices can only be
adapted onto the FSA 25 PE tube.
This tube has a side flange (44.1) for mounting
the reflection optics. These reflection optics are
used for mechanical and optical adaption of the
slide overlay device and the macro dual zoom
The slide overlay device consists of the
reflection optics (44.2), the illumination unit with
6 V 4 W halogen lamp (44.8), the standard
5 x 5 cm slide holder (44.6) and the control (44.5)
for focusing the slides. The halogen lamp is
powered by a separate transformer (Fig. 45).
Mount the reflection optics (44.3) onto the tube
flange (44.1) with the coupling ring (44.2),
ensuring that the guide pin engages in the
groove, and screw down. In the same way,
screw the slide overlay device with coupling
ring to the reflection optics, again watching the
position of the guide pin.
Fig. 44 Slide overlay device on the FSA 25 PE tube (with tube
1 Tube flange, 2 Coupling ring of reflection optics, 3 Reflection
optics, 4 Coupling ring of slide overlay device, 5 Knurled
focusing ring, 6 Slide holder 5 x 5 cm, 7 Filter slot, 8 Illumina-
tion adapter tube of lamphousing
Fig. 45 Transformer
Fig. 46 Macro device on FSA 25 PE tube with tube adapter/45
1 Tube flange, 2 Coupling ring, 3 Reflection optics, 4 Coupling
ring, 5 Macro adapter, 6 Screw ring, 7 Zoom setting ring 1: 4,
8 Scale of zoom factor, 9 Scale of magnification factor of the
working distance, 10 Scale of object distance from the bottom
edge of the mirror housing, 11 Mirror housing
1 3 5
7 9
1 3 8
2 4 6