Differences between prism D and D1
Prism D is the standard prism with greater
shearing and therefore higher detection sensi-
tivity for minute topological and refractive index
variations in the specimen. Prism D1 has smaller
shearing than prism D and a lower detection
sensitivity for topological and refractive index
However, prism D1 is better at resolving details
of fine specimen structures.
Inserting the analyser
Remove the blind slide and insert the analyser
(24.2) from the left as far as the 1
Inserting the polariser
The polariser is inserted into the filter holder of
the condenser. In addition a whole-wave
compensator is applied to the back of the
polariser. It is activated by turning the polariser
over, in order to enable colour contrasting in
polarisation or interference contrast (the com-
pensator is active when the lambda symbol λ is
visible from above).
Fig. 25 Condenser 0.53 S23
1 Filter holder with polariser inserted (swung out)
Fig. 24 Polariser/analyser
1 Polariser POL , 2 Analyser ICT ↔