Honeywell VX7 Mobility Scooter User Manual

PS/2 Keyboard / Mouse Cable
Power the VX7 off before attaching a cable to any port (serial, keyboard, Ethernet/USB, etc.).
The PS/2 keyboard/mouse dongle cable allows a standard PS/2 keyboard and/or mouse to be attached to the VX7. The PS/2
connectors on the dongle cable are labeled for keyboard and mouse.
1. D9 Connector
2. PS/2 Keyboard
3. PS/2 Mouse
D9 Male Connector
Pin Signal Description
1 KBDAT_A Keyboard Data
2 MSDAT_A Mouse Data
3 - Not Connected
4 MSCLK_A Mouse Clock
5 DGND System Ground
6 - Not Connected
7 KBCLK_A Keyboard Clock
8 BL_ENABLE Keyboard Backlight Enable
9 KDB_PWR Keyboard Power, 5V, 400mA max.
Shell CGND Chassis Ground