Honeywell VX7 Mobility Scooter User Manual

Chapter 6: Keymaps
95 Key KeyMap 101-Key Equivalencies
The key map table that follows lists the commands used for the VX7. Note that since the VX7uses a Microsoft Windows CE
operating system, no DOS Terminal Emulation keypress sequences are provided.
There are 10 hidden keys on the 95 key keyboard. Each of the hidden keys is accessed by pressing the <Fn> key (located in
the top right hand corner) plus a key on the numeric keypad on the right.
To get this Key / Function Press These Keys in this Order
Insert FN 0 (numeric keypad)
Home FN 7 (numeric keypad)
Page Up FN 9 (numeric keypad)
Delete FN . (numeric keypad)
End FN 1 (numeric keypad)
Page Down FN 3 (numeric keypad)
Up Arrow FN 8 (numeric keypad)
Left Arrow FN 4 (numeric keypad)
Down Arrow FN 2 (numeric keypad)
Right Arrow FN 6 (numeric keypad)