Honeywell VX7 Mobility Scooter User Manual

9. Add processed barcode string from above to output buffer.
10. Add suffix string to output buffer.
11. Add a terminating NUL to the output buffer, in case the data is processed as a string.
12. If key output is enabled, start the process to output keys. If control characters are encountered:
l If Translate All is set, key is translated to CTRL + char, and output.
l If Translate All is not set, and key has a valid VK code, key is output.
l Otherwise, key is ignored (not output).
The barcode data is ready to be read by applications.
Factory Default Settings
Main Tab
Port 1 Disabled
Port 2 COM1
Send Key Message (WEDGE) Enabled
Single Scan Off
On Delay MS 3000
COM Ports (COM1,COM3)
Baud Rate 9600
Stop Bits 1
Parity None
Data Bits 8
Power on Pin 9
COM1: On
COM3: Off
Enable handshaking Disabled
Barcode Tab
Enable Code ID None