
8 Digital Communications Interface
8.1 Overview
The communication feature allows an external device, such as a computer, to
communicate with the 1529 to obtain measurement data and control operating
conditions. Communication is accomplished by issuing commands to the 1529
through RS-232, IR, or IEEE-488 communication ports.
8.2 Communications
The thermometer readout is equipped with an RS-232 serial interface, an infra
red window, and optionally a GPIB port. The serial interface allows communi
cations up to distances of approximately 50 feet. The IR interface allows
communications up to distances of 1 foot. The serial interface, infrared win
dow, and GPIB port allow the user to access the functions, parameters, and set
tings discussed in Section 7, Menu Functions.
8.2.1 Serial Wiring
The serial communica-
tions cable attaches to the
thermometer readout
through the DB-9 connec-
tor at the back of the in-
strument. Figure 49 shows
the pin-out of this connec-
tor and suggested cable
wiring. This type of cable
is typically referred to as a
“null modem” cable. To
eliminate noise, the serial
cable should be shielded
with low resistance be
tween the connector
(DB9) and the shield.
The serial period, baud
rate, linefeed, and echo
are programmable. Refer
to Section, Serial
Port, for instructions on
accessing and setting
these parameters.
8 Digital Communications Interface
Figure 49 Serial Cable Wiring