2. What are the implications of the fast measurement mode in terms of ac
curacy? Accuracy is reduced when using the Model 1529 in fast mea
surement mode. Refer to Section 8.1.1 for a better description of the fast
measurement mode and its limitations.
3. Why can I only see one channel in the fast measurement mode? Because
of the time required to make a measurement and update the display, there
is not enough time to display more than one channel when in the fast
measurement mode.
4. Do I have to reprogram the Model 1529 each time I swap out a probe?
In addition to the four main channels, there are nine memory locations
available to store probe coefficients. If the new probe’s information has
been programmed into one of these locations, you can copy it to the
channel to which it is connected.
5. How does the moving average affect the data that is logged? The data
collected by the Model 1529 is stored as it appears on the display. If you
set the Model 1529 to average the measurements, the data it logs reflects
the moving average setting.
6. How many probe coefficients can I store? Thirteen. Four sets in the
main channels and nine sets in memory locations.
7. Are the readings really simultaneous in the simultaneous mode? Yes.
There are four measurement circuits that collect the raw data simulta-
neously. The raw data is then converted to its corresponding temperature
in sequence taking less than 0.5 seconds for all four channels.
8. How does the three-wire RTD setting affect my overall accuracy? When
using the three-wire setting in the Model 1529, a partial compensation of
lead-wire resistance is performed as per normal industry practices. Since
a three-wire measurement can’t fully compensate for lead resistaance,
accuracy is reduced. As stated in the specification section of this manual,
you need to add 0.05Ω to the measurement accuracy plus the maximum
possible difference between the resistances of the lead wires.
11.5.3 Logging
1. How many data points can the Model 1529 store? You can store up to
100 demand log readings and 8,000 autolog readings.
2. What happens when the log memory is full? Logging stops once the
memory is full. Readings are not deleted to make room for new readings.
3. How can I tell when the log memory is full? Full memory is indicated in
the log stats function in the logging menu. You can also program a field
in the lower display to show the autolog memory status.
4. Can I use the Model 1529 for other applications while I am autologging?
Yes, the Model 1529 can be used while logging. However, keep in mind
that the channels that are displayed are also logged. Changing the chan
nels affects the data that is logged.
11 Troubleshooting
Frequently Asked Questions