
a) Set up the terminal program to use the correct COM port and baud
rate. Configure the communication settings to use 8 data bits, 1 stop bit,
no parity and no flow control.
b) If you want to save the downloaded data to a file, configure your ter
minal program to capture the incoming text and save it to a text file. Re
fer to your terminal program’s documentation for details on how to do
3. Determine how many logged readings are stored in the 1529’s memory.
a) For the autolog, send the command “LOG:AUT:POIN?”. If the response to
this command is “0”, there are no autolog readings to download.
b) For the demand log, send the command “LOG:DEM:POIN?”. If the re
sponse to this command is “0”, there are no demand log readings to download.
4. Begin downloading the data.
a) To begin downloading the autolog data, send the command
“LOG:AUT:PRIN” to initiate the download process.
b) To begin downloading the demand log data, send the command
“LOG:DEM:PRIN” to initiate the download process.
c) The 1529 should immediately begin downloading the data. If no readings
have been stored, the 1529 will not respond to these commands. For more de-
tails on using these commands, see Sections and
5. If the terminal program was set to capture the incoming data to a file, wait
until no more data is being received, then stop capturing.
The autolog and demand log readings can also be downloaded using the IR port
with the 9935 LogWare software.
11.3 Placement of IR Dongle for Transfer of Data
The 1529 can be used with the 2374 I/R Dongle and the 9935 LogWare soft
ware to collect data via the IR interface. The I/R Dongle must be placed near
the IR port of the 1529 between 3 and 12 inches (8 and 30 cm) and pointed di
rectly at and perpendicular to the IR window.
11.4 CE Comments
11.4.1 EMC Directive
Hart Scientifics’ equipment has been tested to meet the European Electromag
netic Compatibility Directive (EMC Directive, 89/336/EEC). The Declaration
of Conformity for your instrument lists the specific standards to which the unit
was tested.
1529 Chub-E4 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide