The WINDow suffix, <n>, specifies the display set (1 to 9). The FIELd suffix,
<n>, specifies the field (1 to 8) within the display set. The response consists of
two numbers separated by a comma. The first number represents the channel
associated with the field. The second number represents the parameter to be
displayed in the specified field. See Table 5 on page 126, Field Types, for the
field types. DISPlay:WINDow<n>:FIELd<n>:FEED <chn>[,<num>]
Sets the specified field within the specified display set.
The WINDow suffix, <n>, specifies the display set (1 to 9). The FIELd suffix,
<n>, specifies the field (1 to 8) within the display set. The <chn> parameter
specifies channel (1 to 4) associated with the field. The <num> parameter spec
ifies the parameter to be displayed in the specified field. See Table 5 on page
126, Field Types, for the field types.
8.4.7 Logging Commands
The logging commands are used for logging data automatically and on demand. LOGging:AUTomatic:DELete [<num>|ALL]
Deletes entries from the auto log.
Specifying a number in the <num> parameter causes all auto log entries with
that label number (1 to 25) to be deleted. If the ALL parameter is specified or
no parameter is specified, all auto log entries are deleted. LOGging:AUTomatic:COUNt? [MIN|MAX|DEF]
Returns the number of measurements to be stored in the auto log during an auto
log session.
Specifying the MIN parameter returns a value of 1. Specifying the MAX pa
rameter value returns a value of 8160. Specifying the DEF parameter returns a
value of 8160. LOGging:AUTomatic:COUNt <num>|MIN|MAX|DEF
Sets the number of measurements to be stored to the auto log during an auto
log session.
1529 Chub-E4 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide