9 Calibration
Each channel of the 1529 is calibrated independently of the other channels and
has its own set of calibration parameters. The 1529 should be calibrated at reg
ular intervals to ensure that it continues to measure with proper accuracy. Cali
bration should only be done by qualified, authorized personnel. When the 1529
is recalibrated, all four channels are calibrated each calibration cycle. The cali
bration label indicates the calibration date and recalibration due date for the en
tire instrument.
9.1 PRT and Thermistor Calibration
The following information is for PRT and thermistor channel calibrations. The
adjustable parameters are listed in the following table.
Parameter Description
C0 PRT offset parameter
C100 PRT scale parameter
C400 PRT linearity parameter
C0K Thermistor offset parameter
C10K Thermistor scale parameter
C100K Thermistor linearity parameter
DATE Records the date the PRT or Thermistor channel
was calibrated
DUE Record the date the PRT or Thermistor channel cali
bration expires
9.1.1 PRT Calibration Parameters
Three adjustable parameters are used for calibration: C0, C100, and C400. The
C0 parameter directly affects the measurement at 0Ω. It has negligible effect at
100Ω but significant affect at higher resistances. The C100 parameter directly
affects the measurement at 100Ω. It has negligible effect at 0Ω and proportion
ately greater effect the higher the resistance. The C400 parameter directly af
fects the measurement at 400. It has negligible effect at 0Ω and 100Ω with
greater effect as the resistance increases. Each of the parameters has positive ef
fect at their primary resistances: increasing the value of the parameter increases
the measured resistance. The theoretically normal value for each is 0.
9 Calibration
PRT and Thermistor Calibration
Table 13 PRT and Thermistor Calibration Parameter Description