Thermistors (2). For Thermocouple channels, the calibration scale suffix <n> is
ignored and may be omitted. Note: For PRT/Thermistor channels, the value re
turned by this command is always in ohms.
For PRT/Thermistor channels, specifying the MIN parameter returns a value of
-9 when the scale suffix <n> is 1 (for PRTs) and -9000 when the scale suffix
<n> is 2 (for Thermistors). For Thermocouple channels, specifying the MIN
parameter returns a value of -9. For PRT/Thermistor channels, specifying the
MAX parameter returns a value of 9 when the scale suffix <n> is 1 (for PRTs)
and 9000 when the scale suffix <n> is 2 (for Thermistors). For Thermocouple
channels, specifying the MAX parameter returns a value of 9. Specifying the
DEF parameter returns a value of 0. CALibrate<chn>:PARameter:SCALe<n> <num>|MIN|MAX|DEF
Sets the calibration scale parameter for the specified channel.
The CALibrate suffix, <chn>, specifies the channel (1 to 4). This command
does not apply to memory channels. For PRT/Thermistor channels, the calibra-
tion scale suffix <n> specifies the resistance range parameter (in ohms) for
PRTs (1) or Thermistors (2). For Thermocouple channels, the calibration scale
suffix <n> is ignored and may be omitted. The <num> parameter specifies the
value for the specified scale parameter. Specifying the MIN, MAX, or DEF pa-
rameter sets the scale parameter to the minimum, maximum, or default value
This command is password-protected. To access this command, the password
must be successfully entered using the SYST:PASS:CEN <pass> command
(see Section 9.4.11, Password Commands). CALibrate<chn>:PARameter:LINearity<n>? [MIN|MAX|DEF]
Returns the calibration linearity parameter for the specified channel.
This command only applies to PRT/Thermistor channels. Executing this com
mand on Thermocouple channels generates a -294, "Incompatible type" error
The CALibrate suffix, <chn>, specifies the channel (1 to 4). This command
does not apply to memory channels. For PRT/Thermistor channels, the calibra
tion linearity suffix, <n>, specifies the resistance range parameter for PRTs (1)
or Thermistors (2). Note: For PRT/Thermistor channels, the value returned by
this command is always in ohms.
Specifying the MIN parameter returns a value of -9 when the linearity suffix
<n> is 1 (for PRTs) and -9000 when the linearity suffix <n> is 2 (for Thermis
tors). Specifying the MAX parameter returns a value of 9 when the linearity
1529 Chub-E4 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide