
Milestone XProtect Smart Client 3.0; Users Manual
www.milestonesys.com Page 86 Day-to-Day Use
The separate full-screen window will only show the selected view, none of the Live or Browse tabs
other features, and it can only show one view at a time. Any hotspots, carousels, Matrix positions,
still images or HTML pages included in the view will work as usual.
To send a view to Primary Display, do the following:
1. In the Live or Browse tabs Views section, right-click the required view.
This will bring up a menu.
2. In the menu, select Send View To > Primary Display.
Sending a View to Secondary Display
Sending a view to a Secondary Display will show the view in a full-screen window on another
physical display (if available).
The other physical display will only show the selected view, none of the Live or Browse tabs other
features, and it can only show one view at a time. Any hotspots, carousels, Matrix positions, still
images or HTML pages included in the view will work as usual.
Example of an 8×8 view sent to a Secondary
Display. In this example, the main Smart Client
window is available on the left display.
To send a view to a Secondary Display, do the following:
1. In the Live or Browse tabs Views section, right-click the required view.
This will bring up a menu.