
Milestone XProtect Smart Client 3.0; Users Manual
www.milestonesys.com Page 38 Further Configuration
Two by Two: Live tab displaying four different viewpoints from a
single IPIX camera; in this example, the IPIX cameras four view-
points are enlarged for clarity.
Tip: When viewing different viewpoints from an IPIX camera on the Live or Browse tabs, you
are able to navigate each viewpoint independently by clicking inside each viewpoint, or by using
the buttons in the Live or Browse tabs PTZ Control sections.
Maintain Image Aspect Ratio
If check box is selected, images will not be stretched to fit the size of the camera position. Rather,
images will be displayed with the aspect ratio with which they have been recorded.
This may result in horizontal or vertical black bars appearing around the images from some
If check box is cleared, images will be stretched to fit the position in the view; this may lead to
slightly distorted images, but you will avoid any black bars appearing around the images.
Example: The same image viewed with Maintain Image
Aspect Ratio selected (left) and cleared (right)
Only Update Image on Motion
If selected, the cameras images will only be updated on the Smart Clients Live tab when motion is
Depending on the cameras motion detection sensitivity (configured on the surveillance system
server) this can help reduce CPU usage significantly.
If the cameras images are only updated on motion, users will see the message No motion together
with a still image in the cameras view position until motion is detected.