Milestone XProtect Smart Client 3.0; User’s Manual
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their names, which are typically made up along the structure [Device name] [Camera
name]. The cameras will appear in alphabetical order (even if you select cameras from
more than one server), then loop continuously.
When you have selected cameras, specify the carousel’s other properties, which are:
Image Quality: Select between Full (default), SuperHigh (for megapixel), High,
Medium or Low. The setting will apply for all cameras included in the carousel.
Frame Rate: Select between Unlimited (default), Medium (25% of original frame
rate) or Low (one frame per second). The setting will apply for all cameras included
in the carousel.
Maintain Image Aspect Ratio: If check box is selected, the cameras’ original
image aspect ratio will be maintained; this will provide you with non-distorted
images, but may lead to black bars appearing above/below images.
If check box is cleared, images will be stretched to fit the carousel; this may lead to
slightly distorted images, but you will avoid any black bars appearing around the
images. The setting will apply for all cameras included in the carousel.
Interval (seconds): Specify the interval between the carousel’s camera changes.
The setting will apply for changes between all the cameras included in the carousel;
it is not possible to specify particular intervals for changes between particular
Tip: You are able to use several carousels in a single view.
Adding Hotspots
With a hotspot, users will be able to select a camera in the view, and view enlarged and/or higher
quality images from the selected camera in the view’s hotspot.
For the hotspot you would usually select a one of the view’s larger positions, for example the large
position in a 1+7 view:
The fact that you can view enlarged images in the hotspot is not in itself what makes the hotspot
useful; you can enlarge any image in a view by double-clicking the image.
What makes the hotspot useful is that with a hot spot you can use a low image quality and/or
frame rate for cameras in the view’s regular positions and a high image quality and/or frame rate
for the hot spot.
Then, only when users select a camera for viewing in the hotspot will it be displayed in high quality
and/or high frame rate. This can really help you save bandwidth on the remote connection.
To add a hotspot to a view, do the following on the Setup tab:
1. Drag the System Overview section’s Hotspot link to the required position in the view.
2. Release the mouse button over the required position.
Tip: Note that the position gets a thin orange border. The orange border indicates that
the position is used for a hotspot; the orange border will also be evident when using the
view on the Browse and Live tabs.