Milestone XProtect Smart Client 3.0; User’s Manual
www.milestonesys.com Page 74 Day-to-Day Use
7. Select required image interval in the Interval list.
If you select All Images, all images will be analyzed. If you select e.g. 10 seconds, only one
image per ten seconds of recordings will be analyzed. Selecting a long interval will greatly
reduce the time required to complete the search. However, with a long interval, the search
may not find motion sequences that are shorter than the specified interval.
8. Click the Next (move forward in time) or Previous (move back in time) buttons to search
through sequences with motion detected in the selected areas.
Note: Smart search is always carried out from the time of the image you are viewing and
forwards or backwards.
9. The smart search begins, and a progress window displays search progress:
When a sequence with motion inside the selected area(s) is found, it will be displayed in
the view. Motion will be highlighted:
Motion highlighted in light green color
Tip: The Browse tab’s Time Navigation section control panel will show exact
corresponding time information.
10. If required, click the Next or Previous button again to continue the smart search.
PTZ Control and Digital Zoom
The Browse tab’s PTZ Control section lets you navigate recorded images from IPIX cameras (IPIX is
a technology allowing creation and viewing of 360-degree panoramic images; it requires either a
dedicated IPIX camera or a regular camera equipped with a special IPIX lens).
The PTZ Control section also lets you use Digital Zoom on any camera in the view.
Note: As the Browse tab is used for viewing already recorded images, the PTZ Control section
cannot be used for controlling PTZ (Pan/Tilt/Zoom) cameras. To control PTZ cameras, use the Live