Milestone XProtect Smart Client 3.0; User’s Manual
www.milestonesys.com Page 40 Further Configuration
detection notifications; it is not possible to use different sound files for different cameras or to
distinguish between event and motion detection notifications.
Apply to All
The Apply To All button lets you quickly apply the camera settings for the selected camera to all
cameras in the view.
Customizing Joystick Setup
Note: Even though joystick control is supported for a large number of PTZ cameras, not all PTZ
cameras may be joystick-controlled. Refer to the release note for information about joystick
support for cameras.
When a new joystick is detected by the Smart Client, a default PTZ (Pan/Tilt/Zoom) configuration
for the joystick is added automatically.
However, you are able to customize the setup for all joysticks attached to the computer running
the Smart Client.
To customize joystick setup, do the following:
1. Click the Show Application Menu button in the right side of the Smart Client’s top bar:
2. From the menu that appears, select Joystick
The Joystick Setup window appears.
3. In the Joystick Setup window, select the
required joystick in the Selected Joystick list.
The axes and buttons available on the selected
joystick will be listed in the Axis Setup and
Button Setup sections respectively:
4. In the Axis Setup section, specify settings for
the available axes.
With a joystick, you are typically able to navigate camera
images three-dimensionally, along three axes: an X-axis,
a Y-axis, and a Z-axis, where the Z-axis refers to the
depth (zoom) level.
Invert: By default, a PTZ camera will move to the
right when you move the joystick to the right
along the X-axis, move up when you move the
joystick towards you along the Y-axis, etc. By
selecting Invert, you are able to change this to