Milestone XProtect Smart Client 3.0; User’s Manual
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Creating Shared Views
Note: Views are created on the Smart Client’s setup tab. Particular user rights may be required in
order to access the Setup tab and in order to be able to create shared views. When creating a
shared view, bear in mind that depending on their user rights not all users may have access to all
cameras on the surveillance system.
Note: Due to the large amount of new features in the latest Smart Client version (3.0), views
created in Smart Client version 3.0 will not work in previous versions of the Smart Client. If
creating shared views in Smart Client version 3.0, it is thus important that the users with whom
you wish to share the views also use Smart Client version 3.0.
To create your first shared view, you first create a group under the Setup tab’s Shared top-level
folder, then create the required view within the group.
If you have created shared views before, you may create the new view in an existing group, or you
may create a new group for the view.
Creating a Group
To create a group under the Private top-level folder, do the following on the Setup tab:
1. In the Setup tab’s Views section, select the Shared top-level folder.
2. Click the Create New Group button:
3. A new group is created. The new group is simply named New Group.
4. Overwrite the default name New Group with a group name of your choice.
You are now able to create a view within the group.
Creating a View within the Group
To create a view in a group, do the following: