
Milestone XProtect Smart Client 3.0; Users Manual
www.milestonesys.com Page 50 Further Configuration
Client.exe -ServerAddress "http://ourserver" -UserName "Tommy" -Password
"T0mMy5Pa55w0rD" -AuthenticationType Simple
From the users point of view, the login dialog would look like this:
If we were to use Windows authentication, the example would be:
Client.exe -ServerAddress "http://ourserver" -UserName "Tommy" -Password
"T0mMy5Pa55w0rD" -AuthenticationType Windows
If we were to use Windows authentication (current user), the UserName and Password parameters
would not be necessary, and the example would look like this:
Client.exe -ServerAddress "http://ourserver" -AuthenticationType
Refers to a full path to an .scs script (a script type targeted at controlling the Smart Client). The
following example uses an .scs script to login:
Client.exe -Script c:\startup.scs
Example of an .scs script for logging in to http://ourserver with the current Windows user:
You are able to use many of the Smart Clients function calls (see Viewing a List of Possible
Function Calls elsewhere in this topic) to add further functionality to .scs scripts. In the following
example, we have added a line so the .scs script from the previous example will log in to
http://ourserver with the current Windows user, then minimize the Smart Client application: