Milestone XProtect Smart Client 3.0; User’s Manual
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The way in which images from one or more cameras are displayed in the Smart Client is called a
view. A view may contain images from up to 64 cameras. A Smart Client can handle an unlimited
number of views, allowing you to switch between various collections of camera images.
Example: Smart Client displaying view with six
different cameras (view is highlighted in red frame)
Private and Shared Views
In order to help you maintain an easy overview when you navigate between various views in your
Smart Client, all views are placed in folders called groups. A group can contain any number of
views and, if required, subgroups.
Views can be private or shared. Private views can only be accessed by the user who created them,
whereas shared views can be accessed by all Smart Client users connected to the surveillance
system server.
Before you create any views, it is important that you are sure about the difference between private
and shared views—not least because a number of shared views may already exist for Smart Client
users in your organization.
When that is the case, you can start using your Smart Client straight away; creating further views
in your Smart Client will not be necessary unless you want to supplement the shared views with
private views of your own.
If you want to create views yourself, for example if no shared views are available in your
organization, the Smart Client’s Setup tab lets you create groups and views, and specify which
cameras should be included in each view.
Tip: You can use your views, private as well as shared, on any computer that has a Smart
Client installed. This is because information about your views is stored centrally on the surveillance
system server, as part of your user login information.
How to Check if Views Are Already Available
Especially if you are a first-time user of the Smart Client, you will want to know whether any
shared views have already been created for your organization’s Smart Client users.