Milestone XProtect Smart Client 3.0; User’s Manual
www.milestonesys.com Page 63 Day-to-Day Use
Selecting a zoom level of 0% lets you view the whole image again.
Tip: If you mouse has a scroll wheel, you can also use the scroll wheel to control the zoom
level. On many mice, clicking the scroll wheel or middle mouse button quickly lets you view the
whole image again.
Viewing Recorded Video
You view recorded video on the Smart Client’s Browse tab.
Note: Particular user rights may be required in order to access the Browse tab. Depending on your
user rights, access to browsing images from some cameras may be restricted.
Note: Date and time formats used when browsing recorded images may vary depending on your
computers regional settings. Illustrations in this help topic, and date and time formats used in
these illustrations, are thus for guidance only.
When you select the Smart Client’s Browse tab, the Smart Client will connect to the Milestone
XProtect Enterprise server, and display recorded images from the cameras in the selected view.
This way, you are able to browse recorded images.
The Browse tab provides you with a number of advanced features for browsing recorded images. In
addition to a range of image browsing features, the Browse tab also lets you print images, and
export AVIs (movie clips), JPEGs (still images) as well as database files.
The Browse tab, in this example displaying a view
with images from six cameras. Note the timeline
browser in the right part of the Browse tab.
Tip: The Smart Client supports use of multiple windows. This is especially useful if your
computer has more than one physical display attached, but from the Live and Browse tabs you can
send individual views to separate windows as well. This way, you can watch more than one view at
a time. See Using Multiple Windows on page 85 for more information.
Selecting a View
You are basically able to select a view for display on the Browse tab in two ways:
By selecting the required view in the Browse tab’s Views section: