Milestone XProtect Smart Client 3.0; User’s Manual
www.milestonesys.com Page 39 Further Configuration
Sound on Motion Detection
When images from the camera are viewed on the Live tab, it is possible to get a simple sound
notification when motion is detected.
Always off: Do not use sound notifications on detected motion.
Always on: Play a sound notification each time motion is detected on the camera.
Will I receive lots of sound notifications? If you select Always on, the amount of motion-
related sound notifications you are likely to receive will depend on the motion detection sensitivity
of the camera in question. If motion detection for the camera is highly sensitive, you may at times
receive very frequent sound notifications. The camera’s motion detection sensitivity is configured
on the surveillance system server; consult your surveillance system administrator if in doubt. If
you select sound notifications for more than one camera, you may also hear more notifications—
again depending on the cameras’ motion detection sensitivity.
Tip: By default, the Smart Client uses a simple sound file for its sound notifications. The sound
file, called Notification.wav, is located in the Smart Client installation folder, typically C:\Program
Files\Milestone\Milestone Smart Client. If you want to use another .wav file as your notification
sound, simply name the required file Notification.wav and place it in the Smart Client installation
folder instead of the original file. The file Notification.wav is used for event as well as motion
detection notifications; it is not possible to use different sound files for different cameras or to
distinguish between event and motion detection notifications.
Sound on Event
When images from the camera are viewed on the Live tab, it is possible to get a simple sound alert
when events related to the selected camera occur.
Note: Being able to use this feature requires that notifications on events have been configured on
the surveillance system server; consult your surveillance system administrator if in doubt.
Always off: Do not use sound alerts when events related to the camera occur.
Always on: Play a sound alert each time an event related to the camera occurs.
What is an event? An event is a predefined incident occurring on the surveillance system.
Depending on the surveillance system’s configuration, events may be caused by input from
external sensors connected to cameras, by detected motion, by data received from other
applications, or manually through user input. Events are used by the surveillance system for
triggering actions. Typically, most events on the surveillance system are generated automatically.
For example, detected motion can be defined as an event which in turn triggers an action, such as
recording on a camera.
Will I receive lots of sound notifications? If you select Always on, the amount of event-related
sound notifications you are likely to receive will depend on the nature and number of events
related to the camera in question. Events are configured on the surveillance system server; consult
your surveillance system administrator if in doubt. If you select sound notifications for more than
one camera, you may also hear more notifications—again depending on the surveillance system’s
event configuration.
Tip: By default, the Smart Client uses a simple sound file for its sound notifications. The sound
file, called Notification.wav, is located in the Smart Client installation folder, typically C:\Program
Files\Milestone\Milestone Smart Client. If you want to use another .wav file as your notification
sound, simply name the required file Notification.wav and place it in the Smart Client installation
folder instead of the original file. The file Notification.wav is used for event as well as motion