Milestone XProtect Smart Client 3.0; User’s Manual
www.milestonesys.com Page 52 Day-to-Day Use
Day-to-Day Use
Viewing Live Video
You view live video on the Smart Client’s Live tab.
When you select the Smart Client’s Live tab, the Smart Client will connect to the Milestone XProtect
Enterprise server, and display live images from the cameras in the selected view.
Note: Particular user rights may be required in order to access the Live tab. In order to view live
images in the Smart Client, the surveillance system’s recording server must be running; consult
your surveillance system administrator if in doubt. Depending on your user rights, access to
viewing live images from some cameras may be restricted.
The Live tab, in this example displaying a view
With images from six cameras
Tip: The Smart Client supports use of multiple windows. This is especially useful if your
computer has more than one physical display attached, but from the Live and Browse tabs you can
send individual views to separate windows as well. This way, you can watch more than one view at
a time. See Using Multiple Windows on page 85 for more information.
Selecting a View
You are basically able to select a view for display on the Live tab in two ways:
By selecting the required view in the Live tab’s Views section:
Selecting a view in the Live tab’s Views section
By selecting the required view from the Views list located in the upper part of the window: