Tektronix WFM 601M Wheelchair User Manual

System Commands
WFM 601A, WFM 601E & WFM 601M User Manual
System Commands
Using the commands in this section you can make the following changes to the
waveform monitor:
H Select menus needed to change various parameters of the waveform monitor
H Select an appropriate filter for the Waveform and Parade displays
H Enable and disable the AFC and ECHO functions, the readout alignment
markers, and the internal calibration signal
H Access the serial number for the waveform monitor
MENU <FILTer | CURsor | LINESelect | CONFIG | GAIN | CRT | CLear | SERial>
Displays the named menu or clears the displayed menus. In the WFM and
PARade displays, MENU:FILter displays the filters menu. In the Eye display, it
indicates the filter in use at the top right corner of the screen.
MENU <FILTer | CURsor | LINESelect | CONFIG |
GAIN | CRT | CLear | SERial>
<FILTer | CURsor | LINESelect | CONFIG | GAIN | CRT | CLear | SERial>
menu lines
menu config
menu ser
menu cl