3Alarms Reviewing Alarms
Reviewing Alarms
To review the currently active alarms and INOPs, select any of the alarm status areas on the monitor
screen. The Alarm Messages window pops up. All alarms and INOPs are erased from the
monitor’s alarm history when you discharge a patient, or if you change to Demonstration Mode.
Alarm Messages Window
The Alarm Messages window shows all the currently active alarms and INOPs in chronological
order, beginning at the top with the most recent. INOPs are shown on the left hand side and patient
alarms are shown on the right hand side. Any active red alarms are shown first, followed by yellow
alarms. Acknowledged alarms or INOPs are shown with the check mark symbol.
The Alarm Messages window pop-up keys appear when the window is opened. If alarm pause
extension is disabled, the pause pop-up keys are inactive (“grayed-out”). Selecting the Review
Alarms pop-up key opens the Review Alarms window.
Review Alarms Window
The Review Alarms window
contains a list of up to 100 of the most
recent alarms and INOPs with date and
time information. If configured to do so,
each alarm is shown with the alarm limit
active when the alarm was triggered and
the maximum value measured beyond
this limit. The Review Alarms
window also shows any changes made to
the Alarms On/Off or Silence status.
If you select a high or low limit alarm in
the list, the Graphical Trends
window will open to provide further
data. If you select an alarm resulting
from an event alarm notification, the Event Episode window for that event will open. When you
close these windows you will return to the Review Alarms window.
The information in the Review Alarms window is deleted when a patient is discharged, when the
monitor is switched off for longer than one minute, and when you leave Demonstration Mode.
The Review Alarms window pop-up keys appear when the window is opened. If alarm pause
extension is disabled, the pause pop-up keys are inactive. Selecting the Active Alarms pop-up key
opens the Alarm Messages window.
Pause Al.
5 Min.
Pause Al.
10 Min.
Pause Al.
5 Min.
Pause Al.
10 Min.
5 Apr 16:55:18 ** ABPs HIGH (120 >95)
5 Apr 16:55:18 Alarms On
5 Apr 16:45:15 ** SpO2 NON-PULSAT.
5 Apr 16:44:57 Alarms Off
5 Apr 16:44:46 ** awRR LOW (14<15)
5 Apr 16:44:39 ** SpO2 LOW (95<99)
5 Apr 16:44:28 ** ABPs HIGH
5 Apr 16:55:18 *** Apnea
Review Alarms