20 Trends Screen Trends
Horizon View
The horizon view presents trend information
superimposed over a defined baseline. This
helps you visualize changes in your patient’s
condition since the baseline was set.
The horizon view is made up of:
• a horizon, drawn in white, as a reference
point or baseline to help you visualize
changes in your patient’s condition. The
horizon can be set to represent your patient’s current condition, or a target condition.
• a graphical trend, displaying patient data for the set TrendTime (1).
• a trend indicator arrow, indicating how the patient trend has developed in the last ten minutes (2).
• a deviation bar, showing how the currently measured value deviates from the stored baseline (3). The
height of the deviation bar is an indication of the extent of the change in your patient’s condition
relative to the (horizon) baseline.
Your monitor may not be configured to show all three elements of the screen trend horizon view.
Setting the Horizon
The horizon is the reference value to which deviations in the measurements are compared.
1 To set the baseline, select the horizon trend
2 Select
Auto All to reset the horizon for all horizon screen trends to the currently-measured values
Auto Horizon to set the horizon for the selected horizon trend to the currently-measured value
Set Horizon to set the horizon to a specific value from a pop-up list.
Setting the Horizon Trend Scale
The horizon trend scale is defined with respect to the horizon. If your horizon is set to 100 and you
select 20 as the horizon scale delta, the upper limit of the horizon scale will be 120 and lower limit 80.
To set the horizon trend scale delta,
1 Select the horizon trend.
2 Select Set Scale Delta and select a value to define the distance between the horizon and the
the upper and lower scale limits.
Be aware that changing the horizon trend scale can change the angle of the trend indicator, without the
patient’s condition having changed.
If a measurement exceeds the outer limits of the scale, the wave will be clipped and you must either
reset the horizon or the horizon trend scale to display the values outside the scale limits.