Accessories 33 Accessories
BIS Sensors
To re-order sensors outside North America, contact your nearest Philips sales office and quote the
Philips ordering number. In North America, contact Aspect Medical Systems.
Other BIS Accessories
Order the following parts from your nearest Philips sales office and quote the Philips ordering number
Contact your local Hospira representative for information on accessories. They are not available from
Philips. Part numbers may vary according to country of purchase.
Description Pieces per pack Philips Ordering No Aspect Part No
BIS and BISx - compatible
BIS Sensor Quatro (formerly Sensor XP) 50 M1997A 186-0106
BIS Sensor Plus 50 M4546A 186-0076
BIS Sensor Pediatric 25 M1998A 186-0110
BIS Sensor Pediatric (4 electrode) 25 989803143581 186-0200
BIS Semi-reusable Sensor (not available in
USA, Japan)
100 M4615A 186-0164
BIS Sensor Extend 50 n/a 186-0160
Description Philips Ordering No
BIS M1034A only
BIS Engine Cable - Short (0.8 m) M1034-61610
BIS Engine Cable - Long (2.0 m) M1034-61620
PIC PLUS Cable M1034-61630
BIS Universal Clamp Mount M1180A #C32
BIS FMS Mount (Flexible Module Server) M1180A #C33
BIS Mount for MP40/MP50 M8003- 64011
Description Hospira Part No. French Size Length
Optical Module 50131
Pulmonary artery catheter 50324-05 7.5F 110cm
Pulmonary artery catheter 50355-03 5.5F 75cm
Pulmonary artery catheter 50328-05 8F 110cm
Intravascular catheters 50404-01 4F 40cm
Intravascular catheters 50405-01 4F 25cm
Intravascular catheters 50407-01 5.5F 40cm