13 Monitoring Cardiac Output C.O./CCO Prompt Messages
If you have followed all of these guidelines, your measurement values should be valid, even if you still
see a curve alert message. Ensure that at least three subsequent measurements within the current series
do no differ by more than 15%. If the difference exceeds 15%, use your clinical judgement to
determine the appropriate intervention.
C.O./CCO Prompt Messages
Prompt messages appear in the C.O. procedure window if a C.O. measurement trial must be
Check Injectate
Temperature Probe Type
The recorded Tinj signal is uncharacteristic for the M1646 injectate
temperature probe. The probe may be defective or an incorrect probe
type may have been used.
Unsteady Baseline There is a noisy baseline, and thermal baseline drift.
Multiple Peaks Caused by faulty injection technique.
Abnormal Decay Time May be caused by low cardiac output. Calculated value for C.O. may
not be accurate.
Very Long Curve The decay time of the curve is longer than 15 seconds.
Very Short Curve Decay time of the curve is less than 0.5 seconds. If there is a noisy
baseline, part of the baseline may have been mistaken for a
thermodilution curve. Calculated value for C.O. may not be accurate.
Irregular Curve Any combination of curve alert messages.
Delayed Injection Injection is given more than 15 seconds after Start C.O. is
selected. Calculated value for C.O. may not be accurate.
C.O./CCO Curve Alert Messages Possible Causes
C.O./CCO Prompt Messages Possible Causes
Curve Below Baseline,
measurement terminated
May be caused by thermal baseline drift. No C.O. value
Excessive Curve Height,
measurement terminated
The curve exceeds the upper limit. This may be caused by an
injectate that was too cold. No C.O. value calculated.
Unstable Baseline,
injection not recommended
The baseline is unstable. Wait until the baseline is stable before
injecting. If this does not occur within a reasonable time,
injection is possible but the accuracy of the measured values may
be reduced.
Excessive baseline drift,
don’t inject now
No measurement is possible. Measured values are incorrect.