6 ECG, Arrhythmia, and ST Monitoring Capture 12-Lead
– 12 Lead ECG Reports will be labelled 12 Lead ECG Report (Mason-Likar).
– Captured 12-lead ECGs will be labelled Mason-Likar to the right of the bandwidth annotation at
the Information Center.
When Mod. LeadPlacement is set to Off,
– 12 Lead ECG Reports will be labelled 12 Lead ECG Report.
– Captured 12-lead ECGs will have no annotation next to the bandwidth annotation at the
Information Center.
Capture 12-Lead
If the monitor is connected to an Information Center via a wired network, the Capture 12-Lead
SmartKey may be configured to show on the screen. Selecting this exports 12-Lead ECG information
to the Information Center for analysis. For details see the Instructions for Use supplied with the
Information Center.
EASI ECG Lead Placement
Using a standard 5-electrode set in EASI lead placement you can monitor up to 12 standard ECG leads
simultaneously and continuously at the bedside. EASI provides a monitoring method for trending ST
segment changes that can provide an early indication of ischemia. EASI-derived 12-lead ECGs and
their measurements are approximations to conventional 12-lead ECGs. As the 12-lead ECG derived
with EASI is not exactly identical to the 12-lead conventional ECG obtained from an
electrocardiograph, it should not be used for diagnostic interpretations.
Respiratory monitoring is also possible with the EASI placement; respiration is measured between the I
and A electrodes.
Place the electrodes as accurately as possible to obtain the best quality EASI measurements.
When EASI lead placement is selected,
EASI is shown beside the 1mV calibration bar on the ECG
wave on the display, and
EASI is marked on any recorder strips and printouts.
EASI Monitoring During INOP Conditions If one of the derived EASI leads has an INOP
condition (for example,
LEAD OFF), a flat line is displayed. After 10 seconds, the directly acquired
EASI AI, AS, or ES lead (depending on which is available) is displayed with the corresponding lead
label. This causes an arrhythmia relearn.