Chapter 7 Page 185
Entering a user name
Although the User Name field can contain multiple lines of text, only two lines appear onscreen.
This field identifies the name you use when you log into your wireless service provider, your
Internet Service Provider, or your dial-in server. Many wireless service providers do not require a
user name for GPRS connections. If you do not know your user name, contact your wireless
service provider, your Internet Service Provider, or your dial-in server administrator.
To enter a user name:
1. Tap the User Name field.
2. Enter your user name.
Note: Most dial-in servers do not accept spaces in the user name.
Entering a password
The Password box identifies the password you use to log into your wireless service provider, your
ISP, or your dial-in server. However, many wireless service providers do not require a password
for GPRS connections. If you do not know your password, contact your wireless service provider,
your Internet Service Provider, or your dial-in server administrator.
Your entry in this field determines whether your communicator prompts you to enter a password
each time you log into your network:
■ If you do not enter a password, your communicator displays the word “Prompt” in this field
and asks you to enter a password during the login procedure.
■ If a password is not required, your communicator displays the word “Unassigned” in this field.
■ If you enter a password, your communicator displays the word “Assigned” in this field and
does not prompt you to enter a password during the login procedure.
Note: If you are concerned about security, do not enter a password in this field. You will be
prompted to enter a password each time you connect.
To enter a password:
1. Tap the Password field.
2. Enter the password you use to log into your server.
Tap here to enter
your user name