14.19 DLL (LAN Master/Satellite System) Setting
Key Functions
Key Function
ALL Used to select the all items. To cancel, touch this key again.
OPEN Used to restart the satellite.
CLOSE Used to stop the satellite operation.
ALL SATELLITES Used to select all satellites.
CANCEL Used to cancel the selection of all satellites.
ID01 to ID16 Used to select the satellite individually. Every satellite has its own ID No.
Item Used to individually select the items to be downloaded.
DISCONNECT Used to break the communication between the master and the specified satellite.
The disconnected satellite cannot be re-connected unless the power is turned off
and on again.
Item Procedure
Selecting the items Touch the desired item key(s).
Selectable items:
PLU, Department, Ingredient, Nutrition, Recipe, Message/Information,
Grade line, Store name/address, Scroll message, Sales promotion,
Vendor, SFKC, and Schedule.
Selecting or cancelling the
all items
Touch the [ALL] key to select the all.
To cancel the selection of all items, touch the [ALL] key again.
Selecting the satellite(s) 1. Touch the desired ID No. key(s).
NOTE: To cancel the selection, touch the same key again.
Scale ID# key (ID02 –ID16)
Failed satellite’s ID# is shown in red.
ALL key