16.1 Programming for the Registration Mode
16- 7
Key Functions
Key Function
BACK Used to return to the Registration Mode initial screen.
A – Z Used to call the commodities by the first letter.
If a letter has no data, it is shown in grey.
OTHERs Used to call the list of PLUs which begin with non-alphabet.
LAST20 Used to call the recently used 20 PLUs.
Item Procedure
Calling the PLU list Touch the desired key: [A] – [Z], [OTHERs], or [LAST20].
Selecting the PLU Touch the desired PLU area.
NOTE: PLU library can be also called by using the [PLUs LIB.] key on the Registration Mode initial screen
if this key has been assigned to the screen by the SFKC setting.
Commodity Name Search
Key Functions
Key Function
A – Z, Space Used to input a commodity name.
Back Space Used to delete the entered characters.
Item Procedure
Searching a commodity
1. Enter a commodity name (Max. 16 characters) with the alphabet and
space keys.
2. Only the completely matched commodity names are listed.
Space key
Back Space key
Commodity Name window
Commodity names beginning with “B”
Commodity names beginning with “Beef”