16.7 Average Portion Cost
4. The entered quantity is displayed under the commodity name.
NOTE: When the PLU data is retained by the [SAVE] key for the repeating operation, the average portion
cost data is also retained. (Regarding the [SAVE] key function, refer to Section 16.2.3 Weighing
Commodities and Issuing Labels.)
5. Place the commodity on the platter and issue a label.
The price per piece and the weight per piece are displayed under the commodity name.
These data are printed on the label if the label accommodates the average portion cost. (Refer to
Section 15.2 Label Format Setting.)
1. The price per piece is displayed and printed only to the two decimal places, and the weight per piece is
to the three decimal places.
2. With the initial settings, the average portion cost data is cleared by issuing the label or calling other PLU.
Entered quantity
Price per piece,
Weigh per piece, and
Quantity contained in
the commodity.
Weight of the commodity
SAVE key