Remote Operation
Interface Commands
C0 – C7 C0 – C7 exponential number
Thermistor type settings
Maximum Temperature MAX_TEMP decimal number, dependent on Unit setting
R(T) polynomial conversion settings
B0 – B3 B0 – B3 exponential number
T(R) polynomial conversion settings
A0 – A3 A0 – A3 exponential number
The settings that are applicable to the probe denition depends on the Type setting and Conversion setting, and
may depend on other settings also, such as an ITS-90 subrange.
Any channel that has the probe assigned to it and has Calculation setting set to temperature will have Calcula-
tion (see Section, CALC<n>:TYPE TEMP|RES|RAT, on page 80) changed to resistance when the
probe’s Type setting is set to resistor or the Conversion setting is set to none. INP:PROB:TEST? <id>,<resistance>
Example command: INP:PROB:TEST? “PRT_A46002”,65.449411
Example response: 419.527,C
Reads the temperature calculated from resistance using the probe denition.
Parameter <id> is the ID of a probe denition in the Probe Library. If <id> does not match the ID of a probe
denition in the Probe Library, error -224,“Illegal parameter value” is generated in the error queue.
Parameter <resistance> is the resistance from which temperature is calculated.
The normal response contains the calculated temperature and the unit, separated by a comma:
The <temperature> value is converted to units determined by the Unit setting (see Section, TEMPERA-
TURE UNIT (F5), on page 50). If the probe Type is RESISTOR or Conversion is NONE, the <resistance>
parameter value is returned instead, with <unit> “O” for ohms. If a valid response cannot be returned because
the given resistance is out of range or the probe denition is invalid, no response is given and error -230,“Data
corrupt or stale” is generated in the error queue. INP:REAR<n>:RS:IDEN <id>|VAR|NONE
Example command: INP:REAR1:RS:IDEN “R25_01322”
Example command: INP:REAR2:RS:IDEN NONE
Query form: INP:REAR<n>:RS:IDEN?
Example query response: “R25_01322”
Example query response: VAR
Sets the resistor denition assigned to a rear reference resistor input. (Use the command INP<n>:RS:IDEN to
assign a resistor denition to a front channel input.)
Sufx <n> species the rear Rs input number and must be either 1 or 2.
Parameter <id> must be either the ID of a resistor denition in the Resistor Library, “VAR” (variable), or
“NONE”. Enclosing quotations marks are optional. If <id> does not match the ID of a resistor denition in the
Resistor Library or an allowed option, error -224,“Illegal parameter value” is generated in the error queue.
If a valid resistor ID is assigned to the input, the response to the query form is the ID of the resistor enclosed
in quotation marks. If the resistor assignment is variable or none, the response is “VAR” or “NONE” respec-
tively, without quotation marks.