Remote Operation
Interface Commands CALC<n>:AVER:SEM?
Example command: CALC3:AVER:SEM?
Example response: 0.000039
Reads a channel’s statistical standard error of the mean (see Section, FIELD SETTINGS (F2), on page
Sufx <n> is the channel number: 1 through 4 for the corresponding front channel input, 5 through 14 for
channels of the rst attached scanner, and 15 through 24 for channels of the second attached scanner.
The returned value has the same units as the measurement returned by the FETC? command. If the calculation
is temperature, the unit of measurement is determined by the Unit setting (see Section, TEMPERA-
TURE UNIT (F5), on page 50).
The standard error of the mean is available if at least four measurements have been acquired from the channel.
If no result is available, no response is returned and error -230,“Data corrupt or stale” is generated in the error
queue. CALC<n>:AVER:SPR?
Example command: CALC3:AVER:SPREAD?
Example response: 0.000626
Reads a channel’s statistical spread (see Section, FIELD SETTINGS (F2), on page 48).
Sufx <n> is the channel number: 1 through 4 for the corresponding front channel input, 5 through 14 for
channels of the rst attached scanner, and 15 through 24 for channels of the second attached scanner.
The returned value has the same units as the measurement returned by the FETC? command. If the calculation
is temperature, the unit of measurement is determined by the Unit setting (see Temperature Unit (F5) in the
Display Menu).
If no result is available, no response is returned and error -230,“Data corrupt or stale” is generated in the error
queue. CALC<n>:AVER:SSIZ?
Example command: CALC3:AVER:SSIZE?
Example response: 40
Reads a channel’s statistical sample size (see Section, FIELD SETTINGS (F2), on page 48).
Sufx <n> is the channel number: 1 through 4 for the corresponding front channel input, 5 through 14 for
channels of the rst attached scanner, and 15 through 24 for channels of the second attached scanner. CALC:AVER:TCON NORM|MOV
Query form: CALC:AVER:TCON?
Alternate parameter: DEF
Sets the Statistics Mode setting (see Section, STATISTICS SETTINGS (F3), on page 49).
If the parameter is NORM (normal), the sample size is unlimited; the sample set accumulates until the statis-
tics are cleared. If the parameter is MOV (moving window), the sample size is limited, and once the sample
size reaches the Sample Count value, earliest samples are removed from the sample set when new samples are
The *RST command sets Statistics Mode to the default setting which is NORM (UNLIMITED). CALC:DELT:CHAN <channel>
Example command: CALC:DELT:CHAN 1
Query form: CALC:DELT:CHAN?