Omega Engineering #M3350/0101 Sleep Apnea Machine User Manual

Establishing Communication with Controllers
4.5 Deleting a Controller
Any controller can be deleted from the CN8-SW setup, regardless of whether the
controller was added using the automatic process described in 4.4.1 or the manual
method described in 4.4.2.
To delete a controller:
1. While you are logged in as MULTI (or another user with Controller Configuration
Privileges) select the controller to be deleted by clicking on it (left button) on the
graphic display. The border of the controller will be highlighted.
2. Select Controller | Delete. The controller will be deleted without any confirmation
message. However, if you have already saved the setup to an .MCS file as
described in 4.8, the controller will not be removed from the file until you save again.
If you change your mind about deleting the controller, add it again using the manual
method in 4.4.2. Alternatively, close the .MCS file without saving so that the file is
not changed to reflect the deletion, then reopen the file. The controller will still be
part of the setup, because you did not save the file after you deleted the controller.