Information Setting
Insulin sensitivity:
This ratio is used for your correction bolus calculations.
This ratio is the BG units reduced by 1.0 unit of insulin.
range: 10 - 400 mg/dL or 0.5 - 22.2 mmol/L
NOTE: Your insulin sensitivity may vary throughout the day. Your
pump allows you to program up to eight different insulin sensitivi-
BG units reduced /
1 unit of insulin
#1: __________
#2: __________
#3: __________
(additional settings, if
#4: __________
#5: __________
#6: __________
#7: __________
#8: __________
start time
BG target range:
If your current blood glucose is above the BG Target Range, the Bolus
Wizard feature will calculate a correction dose. If your current blood
glucose is below the BG Target Range, the Bolus Wizard feature will
calculate a negative correction and subtract it from your food bolus.
range: 60 - 250 mg/dL or 3.3 - 13.9 mmol/L
NOTE: Your pump will allow you to program up to eight different
BG target ranges.
#1: __________
#2: __________
#3: __________
(additional settings, if
#4: __________
#5: __________
#6: __________
#7: __________
#8: __________
Active insulin time:
The Bolus Wizard feature uses this time to calculate the active insulin
in your system. Use your healthcare professional's recommendation
for the active insulin time that best represents the insulin type you
use and your physiological insulin absorption rate.
Number of Hours: _____
Using the Bolus Wizard feature 69