Energizer 515 Blood Glucose Meter User Manual

Item When What
Standard basal delivery data (always appears) current basal rate (basal 1, basal 2, etc.)
Status of pump (i.e., Rewind, Suspended, Low Reservoir, Set Time, etc.)
Time (always appears)
*If all of the Reminders and the Alarm Clock are enabled, only the reminder that is nearest to alarming will
appear in the STATUS screen.
Bolus Wizard feature specifications
There are three different formulas the Bolus Wizard feature uses to estimate a bolus, depending on your current
BG. The following formulas apply only when the carb units are in grams.
If your current BG is greater than your High BG Target, the Bolus Wizard feature subtracts active insulin from
the BG correction estimate, then adds this to the food estimate to get the total bolus estimate. However, if
the result of subtracting active insulin from BG correction estimate is a negative number (less than zero), the
total bolus estimate is based only on the food estimate.
(food estimate)
carb ratio
- active insulin+=
(correction estimate)
total bolus
current BG - High BG Target
insulin sensitivity
If your current BG is less than your Low BG Target, the Bolus Wizard feature adds the BG correction estimate
to the food estimate to get the total bolus estimate.
(correction estimate)
(food estimate)
carb ratio
total bolus
current BG - Low BG Target
insulin sensitivity
If your current BG is between or equal to your High or Low BG Target, the total bolus estimate is based only on
the food estimate.
(food estimate)
carb ratio
total bolus
If you do not enter a BG, the total bolus estimate is based only on the food estimate.
148 Pump specifications