Reconnecting Quick-set
A fixed prime is used before reconnecting the infusion set to your body to ensure that insulin has filled the infusion
set. See the instructions in this chapter.
Place the connector part (flat-side facing down) on the infusion set until it is fully seated. Do not grip the connector
part by the flat side-grips.
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Record keeping for diabetes management
Now that you are using the pump, we will be asking you to test your blood glucose regularly. The information from
your blood glucose journal is your healthcare professional's only method of making adjustments in your pump
settings. It is important to test often and write down your blood glucose readings, the food you eat, any exercise
you perform and any other notes to explain your blood glucose results.
You must test at the recommended times and any other time that you feel your blood glucose is high or low. Be
sure to include your meal boluses, correction boluses, the amount of carbohydrate you eat, basal rate and any other
information that will be helpful in assisting your healthcare professional in adjusting your pump settings.
It is very important to look at your blood glucose readings as feedback regarding your diabetes management, not
as statements about you or your self-worth. Try not to have an emotional reaction to the numbers and do not judge
them too harshly. You will soon learn how to modify the numbers easily and precisely through insulin pump therapy.
Test at least 4-6 times a day.
Starting on insulin 65