Answer: Your pump monitors activities and will alert you if a Special mode is active. Some alerts are a normal part
of pump therapy, such as an active temporary basal. There are alerts that indicate a condition that is outside normal
pump activity. For example, your pump notifies you with an alert when you need to replace the reservoir (LOW
RESERVOIR) or replace your pump battery (LOW BATTERY).
What to do
When your pump beeps or vibrates notifying you that an alert condition exists:
Read and follow the instructions on the screen. Press ESC, ACT to silence an alert.
Check the STATUS screen to determine what caused the alert.
If the condition is due to a low battery, replace the battery.
If the condition is due to a low reservoir, monitor the reservoir volume frequently and change the reservoir
when appropriate. Make sure you have a new reservoir, infusion set and vial of insulin with you.
You can program the pump to sound an alert when either a specified number of units remains or a specified amount
of time remains before the reservoir will be empty.
If you get this alert, DO NOT go to sleep without replacing the battery. The backlight, the remote, and meter
functions are disabled during a LOW BATTERY condition. If the alert type is set to Vibrate, the pump will change to
the audio alert Beep Medium. Clear (ESC, ACT) this alert before you replace your battery.
Your pump has a sophisticated network of safety checks and systems. If the safety network detects anything unusual,
your pump notifies you of conditions that require your immediate attention. The backlight illuminates the pump
screen and the alarm/alert message displays on the screen.
If you do not clear an alarm, the pump will not display any other alarms or alerts. Your pump behaves differently
if an alarm happens after an alert that has not been cleared. It will display an alarm before you clear the initial
alert. Alarms and alerts are displayed in the order of importance. When you clear the initial alarm, the pump displays
any alarms or alerts received after the first alarm in this order. See the example in the Alert conditions section of
this chapter.
Troubleshooting and alarms 131