A1C (HbA1c) test - A 2-3 month
average of blood glucose values
expressed in percent. The normal
range varies with different labs
and is expressed in percent (such
as 4 - 6%).
Accept - Pressing the ACT button to
approve the selection or setting.
Active insulin - Bolus insulin that
has been delivered to your body,
but has not yet been used.
Alarm - Audible or vibrating (silent)
notice that indicates the pump is
in Attention mode and immediate
attention is required. Alarms are
prefixed in the alarm history with
the letter A.
Alarm clock - Feature you can set to
go off at specified times of the
Alarm icon - a solid circle that
shows at the top of the screen and
the pump beeps or vibrates
periodically until the condition is
cleared (see Attention mode).
ALARM HISTORY - Screen that
displays the last 36 alarms/errors
that have occurred on your pump.
Alert - Audible or vibrating (silent)
indicator that notifies you the
pump needs attention soon or
that you should be reminded of
something. Insulin delivery
continues as programmed.
Alert icon - an open circle that
appears at the top of the screen
and the pump beeps or vibrates
periodically to remind you of the
condition (see Special mode).
Attention mode - Operating mode
that stops all current insulin
delivery. This mode indicates an
alarm or condition exists that
requires immediate attention.
Backlight - Pump screen light. Turns
on whenever the
button is
pressed or in combination with
the button if not on the
HOME screen. The backlight also
appears during an alarm (except
Basal rate - The pump setting that
provides a continuous infusion of
insulin to keep the blood glucose
stable between meals and during
the night. Basal insulin mimics
pancreatic insulin delivery—
which meets all the body's non-
food related insulin needs.
BASAL REVIEW screen - shows the
basal rates programmed in the
pump, with the 24-hour total for
each rate.
BG - Blood Glucose
BG reminder - Feature that you can
set to remind you to check your
blood glucose after a bolus.
BG target - Normal blood glucose
BG Units - Blood glucose units used
by the pump (mg/dL or mmol/L).
Block - Feature that restricts access
to all programming except
suspend, selftest and the delivery
of a bolus with the remote
Blood glucose (BG) - A form of
digested sugar in the
bloodstream. Glucose is the
major source of energy for living
Glossary 159