Chapter 2 73
Instrument Functions: A - L
Auto Couple
Instrument Functions: A - L
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:SWEep:TYPE:AUTO:RULes SPEed|DRANge selects the rules to use when
SWE:TYPE AUTO is selected. This setting, combined with your current analyzer setup, is
used to select either FFT or swept mode.
Example: SWEep:TYPE AUTO selects the automatic mode.
SWE:TYPE:AUTO:RUL DRAN sets the rules for the auto mode to dynamic
range. Auto: Best Speed
Auto: Best Speed tells the analyzer to choose between FFT or swept analysis based
on the fastest analyzer speed. While Zero Span is selected, this key is greyed out. The
auto-couple settings are kept in memory and are restored whenever leaving Zero Span.
Key Path:
Auto Couple, FFT & Sweep
Saved State: Saved in instrument state
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:SWEep:TYPE:AUTO:RULes SPEed|DRANge selects the rules to use when
SWE:TYPE AUTO is selected. This setting, combined with your current analyzer setup, is
used to select either FFT or swept mode.
See “Auto: Best Dynamic Range” on page 72.
Example: SWEep:TYPE AUTO selects the automatic mode.
SWE:TYPE:AUTO:RUL SPE sets the rules for the auto mode to speed Manual: Swept
Manually selects swept analysis, so it cannot change automatically to FFT.
Zero Span is selected, this key is greyed out. The status of the FFT & Swept selection
is saved when entering zero span and is restored when leaving zero span.
Key Path:
Auto Couple, FFT & Sweep
Saved State: Saved in instrument state
Remote Command:
See “FFT & Sweep” on page 72.