194 Chapter3
Instrument Functions: M - O
Marker Fctn
Instrument Functions: M - O
Remote Command:
“Marker Fctn” on page 191 for the command to select the function.
Example: CALC:MARK:FUNC BPOW turns on marker one as a band power marker.
CALC:MARK:Y? returns the value of the
Band/Intvl Power function for marker
1(ifBand/Intvl Power isONformarker1).
3.2.4 Function Off
Turns off marker functions (Band/Intvl Power and Marker Noise).
NOTE Delta markers will remain on screen.
Key Path:
Marker Fctn
Remote Command:
“Marker Fctn” on page 191 for the command to select the function.
Example: CALC:MARK2:FUNC OFF turns the marker 2 function off.
3.2.5 Marker Count
Accesses the marker count menu.
Key Path:
Marker Fctn Marker Count
Turns the marker frequency counter on and off for any active marker. If no marker is
active before
Marker Count is pressed, a marker is activated at the center of the display. An
asterisk (*) may appear in the upper-right area of the display along with the message Cntr
1 (the number in the message depends on the active marker). If the marker count function
is on and you change the active marker, the new active marker will use marker count. If
the frequency counter function is on with only one active marker and that marker is
turned off, then the frequency counter function is turned off. If the frequency counter
function is on with multiple markers turned on and only one is turned off, the frequency
counter function stays on.
Marker Count frequency readings are not affected by the frequency
offset function.
Zero Span the counter continues to function, counting any signal near the center
frequency of the analyzer.
NOTE Setting Marker Fctn to Off does not turn Marker Count off.
Key Path:
Marker Fctn, Marker Count