Chapter 5 395
One-Button Measurement Functions
Marker (Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function—CCDF)
One-Button Measurement Functions
NOTE Selecting any measurement (including Meas Off)underMeasure, turns off the
marker table.
Key Path:
Marker (after MEASURE, Power Stat CCDF is selected.)
Remote Command:
Example: CALC:PST:MARK:AOFF turns off all markers.
5.13.7 Marker X Position
Sets the marker X position (horizontal) to a specified point on the X axis in the current
X-axis units (dB). If the value chosen would place the marker off screen, the marker will be
placed at the left or right side of the display, on the specified trace (see “Marker Trace” on
page 394
). If the marker is off, this command has no effect.
Key Path:
Key Notes: When a marker is active, you may use the knob, numeric keypad, or
keys to specify the horizontal location of the marker.
Terminators: dB
Step Key
Increment: 1 dB
Range: 0to50dB
History: Added in A.02.00
Remote Command:
:CALCulate:PSTatistic:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:X <dB>
Sets the marker X position in the current X-axis units (dB).
Queries the marker X position in the current x-axis units. For the response to be valid, the
marker must be on.
:CALCulate:PSTatistic:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:X:POSition <dB>
This defines marker X position in display points from 0 to 50 dB.
Example: CALC:PST:MARK:X 30 dB activates a normal marker (marker 1) at the 30
dB location on the specified trace (see
“Marker Trace” on page 394).
CALC:PST:MARK2:X:POS 10 selects marker 2 and moves it to 1 dB location
on the specified trace.