532 Chapter6
Programming Fundamentals
Using the LAN to Control the Instrument
Programming Fundamentals
to 8.
This can’t be change, but you don’t care. Numbers 0
through 30, excluding 21, are valid logical unit
numbers for your instrument. Logical unit number 21
is used for the instrument’s internal emulation mode.
(If you are using Agilent VEE and SICL LAN, the
logical unit number is limited to the range of 0-8.)
Emulated GPIB
Address The emulated GPIB address (bus address) is assigned
instrument is shipped with the emulated GPIB address
set to 18. The emulated GPIB address will always be
18, regardless of what you set the GPIB address to.
The SICL LAN server uses the GPIB name, GPIB logical unit number,
and GPIB address configuration on the SICL LAN client to
communicate with the client. You must match these parameters exactly
(including case) when you set up the SICL LAN client and server.
Configuring Your Instrument as a SICL LAN Server
After you have collected the required information from the SICL LAN
client, perform the following steps to set up your instrument as a SICL
LAN server:
1. Identify the GPIB name.
System, Config I/O, SICL Server, Emulated GPIB Name, and notice
that it is gpib7.
2. Notice that the
Emulated GPIB Logical Unit is set to 8.
3. Notice that the
Emulated GPIB Address is set to 18.
Configuring a PC as a SICL LAN Client
The descriptions here are based on Agilent’s VISA revision G.02.02,
model number 2094G. A copy of Agilent VISA instrument io libraries
can be found on Agilent’s website:
see also
The VISA User’s Guide information on LAN programming may also be
useful, see:
The following assumes a LAN connection between your computer and
your instrument. This will not work for the GPIB to LAN gateway.
1. Install VISA revision G.02.02 or higher.