248 Chapter4
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Remote Command:
Remote Command Notes: The :SYSTem:ERRor[:NEXT]? command queries the earliest
entry to the error queue and then deletes that entry.
Example: SYST:ERR? returns <error number>,<“error string”>, for example
-113,“Undefined header”.
*CLS clearstheentireerrorqueue. Previous Page
Displays the previous page of the Show Errors screen. This key is inactive (greyed out) if
thereisnopreviouspage. Next Page
Displays the next page of the Show Errors screen. This key is inactive (greyed out) if there
is no next page. Clear Error Queue
Clears the front-panel error queue from the
Show Errors display.
Key Path:
System, Show Errors
Remote Command:
4.8.2 Power On/Preset
Displays keys that enable you to define the instrument power-on state and user preset
NOTE If Power On is set to Preset,andPreset Type is set to Factory, turning on the
analyzer performs a factory preset. The last state of the analyzer (before it
was turned off) is recalled if
Power On is set to Last. The user preset state is
recalled if
Power On is set to Preset and Preset Type is set to User.(However,if
there is no user preset state saved, the analyzer performs a factory preset.)
Key Path: