566 Chapter8
Using the STATus System
Common IEEE Commands
Using the STATus System
Power-On Status Clear
Sets the state of the power-on status clear flag. This command allows
you to specify if the service request enable register and the event status
enable register should be cleared at power up.
The query returns the contents of the power-on status clear flag.
Key Type: There is no equivalent front panel key.
*RCL <register>
This command recalls the instrument state from the specified
instrument memory register.
If the state being loaded has a newer firmware revision than the
revision of the instrument, no state is recalled and an error is reported.
If the state being loaded has an equal firmware revision than the
revision of the instrument, the state will be loaded.
If the state being loaded has an older firmware revision than the
revision of the instrument, the instrument will only load the parts of
the state that apply to the older revision.
Key Type: There is no equivalent front panel key.
Range: registers are an integer, 0 to 127
Remarks: See also commands :MMEMory:LOAD:STATe and
Example: *RCL 12
Front Panel
File, Recall State
This command presets the instrument to a factory defined condition
that is appropriate for remote programming operation. In Spectrum
Analysis Mode *RST is equivalent to performing the commands
• :SYSTem:PRESet, with preset type set to MODE.
• *CLS which clears the STATus bits and error queue