538 Chapter6
Programming Fundamentals
Using the LAN to Control the Instrument
Programming Fundamentals
Using a Java™ Applet Over Socket LAN
There is a programming example in the PSA Measurement Guide and
Programming Examples that demonstrates simple socket programming
with Java. It is written in Java programming language, and will
compile with Java compilers versions 1.0 and above.
This program is also on the documentation CD ROM that shipped with
your product.
Using a C Program Over Socket LAN
The PSA Measurement Guide and Programming Examples book
contains two examples of simple LAN socket programs. They are
written in C. One compiles in the HP-UX UNIX environment and one is
written for the WIN32 environment.
In UNIX, LAN communication via sockets is very similar to reading or
writing a file. The only difference is the openSocket() routine, which
uses a few network library routines to create the TCP/IP network
connection. Once this connection is created, the standard fread() and
fwrite() routines are used for network communication.
In Windows, the routines send() and recv() must be used, because
fread() and fwrite() may not work on sockets.
NOTE You may need to enable the termination character attribute when using
the VISA libraries for socket communication. If the termchar attribute
is disabled, then no termination character is sent with the data and the
bus will time out waiting for it. (Set vi_attr_termchar_en)
General LAN Troubleshooting
• “Troubleshooting the Initial Connection” on page 6-538
• “Common Problems After a Connection is Made” on page 6-540
• “Pinging the Instrument from a Computer or Workstation” on
page 6-542
• “EIA/TIA 568B Wiring Information” on page 6-544
Troubleshooting the Initial Connection
Getting the instrument to work with your network often requires
detailed knowledge of your local network software. This section
attempts to help you with some common problems. Contact your
network administrator for additional assistance.
The instrument LAN interface does not need or include any proprietary
driver software. It was designed to operate with common network
utilities and drivers.