120 Chapter2
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L X Axis Units
Selects how the limit-line segments are defined. Pressing
XAxisUnitsselects whether the
limit lines will be entered using frequency (Freq)orsweeptime(Time)todefinethe
segments. They can be specified as a table of limit-line segments of amplitude versus
frequency, or of amplitude versus time. A time value of zero corresponds to the start of the
sweep, which is at the left edge of the graticule. Switching the limit-line definition between
Freq and Time will erase both of the current limit lines. The following message will appear
on screen.
Changing X axis units will delete all limits. If you are sure, press key
again to change units.
CAUTION Changing this setting deletes all existing limit data from the analyzer. In
other words, if a limit line has already been defined, changing the units clears
the existing limit line.
XAxisUnitsagain to purge both limit lines and to switch between frequency and time.
Key Path:
Display, Limits
Default: Frequency for a new limit.
History: Added with firmware revision A.03.00
Remote Command:
:CALCulate:LLINe:CONTrol:DOMain FREQuency|TIME
Remote Command Notes: For TIME, the limit line segments are placed on the spectrum
0 at the left edge of the display.
For FREQuency, segments are placed according to the frequency that is
specified for each segment.
Example: :CALC:LLIN:CONT:DOM FREQ sets limit lines 1 and 2 x-axis units to
:CALC:LLIN:CONT:DOM TIME sets limit lines 1 and 2 x-axis units to time.
:CALC:LLIN:CONT:DOM? responds with limit lines 1 and 2 x-axis unit type.