Chapter 3 187
Instrument Functions: M - O
Instrument Functions: M - O
Example: CALC:MARK3:X:READ TIME sets the marker 3
Readout to Time. Frequency
Sets the marker readout to
Frequency, displaying the absolute frequency of a normal
marker or the frequency of the delta marker relative to the reference marker. Frequency
readout is the default setting in non-zero spans and is not available in zero spans.
Key Path:
Marker, Readout
Remote Command:
See “Readout” on page 186 for this command.
Example: CALC:MARK2:X:READ FREQ sets the marker 2 Readout to Frequency. Period
Sets the marker readout to Period, displaying the reciprocal of the frequency at the marker
position, or the reciprocal of the frequency separation of the two markers in a delta-marker
mode. Period readout is not available in zero spans. If the markers are at the same
frequency in a delta marker mode, the result will be the reciprocal of 0, which is infinitely
large. The display will show a very large number.
Key Path:
Marker, Readout
Remote Command:
See “Readout” on page 186 for this command.
Sets the marker readout to Time, displaying the time interval between a normal marker
and the start of a sweep or the time of the delta marker relative to the reference marker.
Time is the default setting in zero spans. With a span of zero, the time value is the time
position relative to the start of the sweep. In a delta-marker mode it is the (sweep) time
interval between the two markers.
Key Path:
Marker, Readout
Remote Command:
See “Readout” on page 186 for this command.