142 Chapter2
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L Source
Trace,thiskeyallowsyoutosavetrace1, 2, 3 or All.Savingtrace
All saves all traces in a single.TRC file.
Corrections, Source accesses the Antenna, Cable, Other and User
menu keys, which allow you to select the type of correction to be saved.
Limits, Source accesses the Limit 1 and Limit 2 menu keys. Limit 1
and Limit 2 provide data sets to determine whether a trace has exceeded preset
specifications. Limit sets can hold up to 200 points and can only be saved individually.
For any other Save type,
Source is disabled (greyed out).
Key Path:
File, Save
State Saved: Source is not saved in Instrument State.
Factory Preset:
Source survives Factory Preset and *RST,butissettoAll Traces at power up.
Trace 1
Selects trace 1 to be saved.
Key Path:
File, Save, Source Trace 2
Selects trace 2 to be saved.
Key Path:
File, Save, Source Trace 3
Selects trace 3 to be saved.
Key Path:
File, Save, Source All Traces
Selects all the traces to be saved.
Key Path:
File, Save, Source